Our Leadership Structure
We believe careful study of the Bible shows that God's design for church leadership includes multiple pastors and elders as well as other lay leaders if the local church is to be lead well. Being that no one man is given the totality of spiritual gifts from God, it is better that no one man be the ultimate leader in a church. Gifted men with committed hearts to the Lord's work can come together to compliment each other and therby lead in concert to accomplish God's purposes through the church.
While our church was founded over 60 years ago, our journey to be lead by multiple pastors and elders began in 2011, and we installed our first team of pastors in early 2013. We are thankful for the men who have served over the years. Their willingness and faithfulness has been a blessing to our church. You can click here to see the current leadership structure and church staff.
Click here for a document that further walks through the Biblical approach to multiple pastors.
Latest Hope Elder
Eric Miller
Eric, his wife Cyndi and children Allie & Michael have been members of the church since 1999. Throughout those years, Eric has shown himself to be extremely faithful as well as eager to jump in and help. He has had extensive time serving in Children's Ministries, teaching Bible classes, and leading LifeGroups over the years.
The leadership has acknowledged his spiritual gifts and asked Eric to serve as an elder. After completing the assessments and requirements, he has accepted the responsibility and honor to serve.
Hope Church members are asked to click here and communicate with the church leadership if they have any questions or concerns with Eric serving the Lord and the church in this capacity. Please do so by Sunday, March 31.
Office of Pastor/Elder
In our structure of multiple pastors & elders, the church is always looking to identify others who are gifted & willing to serve in this way.
Once identified, we interact with and observe closely to see those gifts being used faithfully, willingly, and effectively by those individuals. If you would like more information, speak with a current member of the church leadership team or click here to contact us.